Earth Centered Spirituality: Day 1 of YAAD

When I think of my connections to the Earth I immediately think of the elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water–those are the connections that I feel the strongest.

This came from:
This came from 4x-Night-Mare-x2 at Deviant Art. Creative Commons license.

For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to be outside when it’s storming, to dance in the rain, to walk barefoot on freshly mowed grass, to sink my toes into the sand at the beach, to kick my feet in water… So the moment I went outside and sat down with my barefeet planted in the Earth I felt at ease and at one with nature.


At first, all I could hear were the birds singing, the breeze blowing in the trees, and the noise from cars down the road. As I sat there quietly thinking about Nature, the Earth, and the Elements, before long all I could hear were the birds and trees’ leaves rustling as the wind made them dance.

My connection to the Earth is strong, but my connection to the elements is really strong, just as I feel a very strong connection to birds, but especially to crows and ravens. I also feel a strong connection to storms, the water, and fire. I feel a stronger connection to dogs and wolves, but I’m not a cat person. (What kind of witch isn’t a cat person? lol)

As an introverted extrovert, I’m a bit of a loner and prefer smaller crowds and I have a few close friends–quality over quantity.

I feel especially connected to flowers, especially roses.

My weakest connection was to the other animals… I didn’t feel all that connected to them–all I could see or hear were the birds.

Blessed Be )O(